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land Input Field Definitions

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Address: Place full Address Number, Directional (if applies) and Street Name. If you do not find the correct Street Name in the database lookup click here to request a street name to be added.

e.g. 107 W Main Street
Brokerage Exclusive
Brokerage Exclusive: Listings that are entered into the MLS and can only be viewed by the agents in the listing brokerage. Listing agents can enter Brokerage Exclusive listings in the MLS at the seller’s request. The listing agent will be required to file a copy of the listing agreement or a Broker Exclusive Addendum with the Board Office before the listing is entered into the MLS system. Days on market will accrue and the listing broker has the ability to convert the listing to an MLS listing with the approval/request of the seller.

Note: This is a Y/N field and the Brokerage Exclusive field is automatically defaulted to "No."
Category: Category must be chosen before the input sheet appears. Choices are Residential, Land, Multi-Family, and Rental.

Note: Please be aware when choosing your category as the category cannot be changed once the listing is saved/input.
City: Cities are filtered by County. If you cannot find your city, please check that your listing is in the correct county. Click here to send a request to add a city to the database lookup.
Comp Only Y/N:  An unlisted property sold within the PAR MLS service area. The transaction is reported to the PARMLS by an MLS member representing the buyer(s) in that transaction.   This transaction is recorded “for comparative purposes only.”  The “comp only.” listing must be accurately entered in complete detail and no later than 30 days after the listing is closed.
Comp Only
Condo Name: Condo Name is not a required field and only applies if you are listing a condominium. If you do not find your Condo Name in the database lookup, click here to send a request to add your Condo Name.
Condo Name
County: Paragon has the following counties available in the County field: Baldwin, Escambia, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa and Walton. If your listing falls outside of of these counties please choose Other Counties.  

Note: The following fields are filtered by County: City, Zip Code, Elementary, Intermediate, Middle and High School. If you have trouble finding your selection in these fields please check to ensure you have the correct county selected.
Directions: Directions should be detailed. Including cross streets or nearest intersections will be very helpful to buyers. Just referencing use "GPS" is not accepted.
Elementary School: Elementary School is filtered by the County field. Any schools that fall in the Other Counties should be marked "Not a local School."

Find Your School: Escambia County
Find Your School: Santa Rosa County
Elementary School
Expiration Date: Date on the listing agreement that indicates when the listing agreement ends.

Note: Expiration date can be extended in the maintenance area. 
Expiration Date
High School: High School is filtered by the County field. Any schools that fall in the Other Counties should be marked "Not a local School."

Find Your School: Escambia County
Find Your School: Santa Rosa County
High School
Intermediate School: Intermediate School is filtered by the County field. Any schools that fall in the Other Counties should be marked "Not a local School."

Find Your School: Escambia County
Find Your School: Santa Rosa County
Intermediate School
Legal Description: The geographical description of real estate that identifies its precise location, boundaries and any easements for the purpose of a legal transaction.

Note: Legal Descriptions can be found in the Courthouse Retrieval System or at the local County Property Appraisers site.
Legal Description
List Date: The date at the top of the listing agreement that the listing term begins. This is not dependent on the date of the listing agreement signatures.
List Price: The price of a home for sale set by the a seller and the listing agent.

Note: Paragon automatically adds three zeros after the comma which can be deleted or edited. Be mindful when entering list price as the original list price can not be altered and will be shown in the history of the listing.
List Date
List Price
Mapping: A link to validate/edit the location that Google Maps has placed the listing. With this link, a listing agent can adjust the location in Google Maps if necessary.

Note: It is highly recommended that a listing agent validates the map on every listing entered to ensure accuracy.
Market DateThe date that the seller/lessor has requested in writing that the listing be placed active in the Multiple Listing Service. The Market Date shall be indicated in either the listing agreement or coming soon addendum. Should the listing go active before the stated Market Date, the actual date of activation shall be considered the Market Date.

*Market Date cannot be entered as a future date.
Market Date
Middle School: Middle School is filtered by the County field. Any schools that fall in the Other Counties should be marked "Not a local School."

Find Your School: Escambia County
Find Your School: Santa Rosa County
Middle School
MLS #: A six digit number that Paragon assigns to an active listing.

Rule: A listing must sit off market for 30 days in order to be placed back active with a new MLS #.
Parcel ID: An assessor's parcel number, or parcel ID, is a number assigned to parcels of real property by the tax assessor of a particular jurisdiction for purposes of identification and record-keeping.

Note: Listing agents can find Parcel IDs in the Courthouse Retrieval System or at the local County Appraiser's website. Please ensure you have a valid Parcel ID on your listing as the Courthouse Retrieval System identifies properties using this number.
Parcel ID
Projected Market Date: The date the seller has indicated, in writing that they want their listing to be placed active. This can be changed at any time by the list agent. If the Projected Market Date hits in the system, Paragon will automatically change the listing to active. Listings cannot go from active back to coming soon.
Projected Market Date
Property Type: Identifies the type of property being listed.

Choices include: 
Boat Slip/Condo/Modular Home/Manufactured Home/Mobile Home/Residential Attached/Residential Detached
Property Type
State: A simple drop down field to identify the state where the property is located.

Note: The Pensacola Association of REALTORS® MLS accepts any listings of our members who have a valid listing agreement and that are located within the United States.
Status: Identifies the availability of the listing. Status Choices: Active, Contingent, Coming Soon, Contingent, Pending, Sold and Hold. Please see MLS Definitions for more information regarding status.
Subdivision: If your listing is not located in a subdivision, please enter "None" for this required field. If your subdivision does not appear in the lookup database please click here to submit an add request form.
Unit Number: Unit number is not required and can only be entered as numerical. 
Zip: Please enter the valid zip code where your listing is located. Zip codes are filtered by County. If you do not see your zip code in the lookup database please click here to submit an add request form.
Unit #

Agency RelationshipAuthorized brokerage relationships.—A real estate licensee in this state may enter into a brokerage relationship as either a transaction broker or as a single agent with potential buyers and sellers. A real estate licensee may not operate as a disclosed or non-disclosed dual agent. As used in this section, the term “dual agent” means a broker who represents as a fiduciary both the prospective buyer and the prospective seller in a real estate transaction. This part does not prevent a licensee from changing from one brokerage relationship to the other as long as the buyer or the seller, or both, gives consent as required by subparagraph (3)(c)2. before the change and the appropriate disclosure of duties as provided in this part is made to the buyer or seller. This part does not require a customer to enter into a brokerage relationship with any real estate licensee.


(b) Presumption of transaction brokerage.—It shall be presumed that all licensees are operating as transaction brokers unless a single agent or no brokerage relationship is established, in writing, with a customer.


Choices in this field:


Non Representative

Single Agent

Transaction Broker

Agency Relationship
Agent Hit CountTotal number of Agent Hits: Each time an agent views a listing in Paragon in a single listing detail view this value is incremented. 
Agent Hit Count
Assignment of Interest: This field indicated whether your client is selling his/her equitable interest of a contract. Y=Equitable interest sale. N=Not an equitable interest sale.
Assignment of Interest
Bonus Terms
Bonus Amount: Amount of Bonus offered to a cooperating broker/agent if certain terms are met.
Bonus Expiration Date: The date in which the Amount of Bonus offered to a cooperating broker/agent will expire.
Bonus Terms: The terms which have to be met in order for the cooperating broker/agent to receive the Bonus Amount.
Bonus Amount
Bonus Expiration Date
Client Hit CountTotal number of Client Hits: each time an individual views a listing in a Black Knight MLS application outside of Paragon this value is incremented.  Client hits are limited to one per unique IP address per 24 hours to discourage inflated listing activity reports. 
Co-List Agent: An agent who has an agreement to work on that particular listing together with the List Agent. Typically, the Co-List Agent will sign the listing agreement.

Note: The List Agent has to add the Co-List Agent when entering the listing. Once the Co-List Agent is added and the listing is submitted, then the Co-List Agent has access to maintain the listing in Paragon.
Client Hit Count
Co-List Agent
Co-List Office: The Office of the Co-List Agent. 
Co-List Office
Limited Service
Limited Service Listings:  "Limited Service Listings" are MLS property listings submitted by licensed brokers (participants) who offer their seller limited property marketing services. Any listing with respect to which the listing broker is not obligated to provide, and will not be providing, any "substantial services" must be designated as "Y" in the "Limited Service" data field. Use of that data field serves only to distinguish such a listing from other listings with respect to which listing brokers will provide substantial services. For purposes of this rule, the term "substantial services" includes, but is not limited to, the listing broker's participation in presentation of offers to purchase the listed property to the seller, the seller's consideration of such offers, or the seller's making any counteroffers.
List Team
List Team: Teams can be setup within Paragon. If you are a part of a team you are able to enter your team name in this field and then anyone on the team that is authorized to maintain listings can make changes. 

PAR Team Request Form 
List Type

List Type: Type of agreement between the listing broker and seller.


The following are the Listing Types available:


  • Exclusive Brokerage Listing

  • Exclusive Brokerage w/Exemptions

  • Exclusive Right of Sale

  • Exclusive Right of Sale w/Exemptions

  • Exclusive Right to Lease

Media Link
Media Link: Pre-recorded media (slide show, video, or other media) hosted on a URL and available on demand. Tours in the Media Link are allowed to have agent branding because they can only be accessed by someone with a Paragon account.
Virtual Tour
Virtual Tour: Pre-recorded media (slide show, video, or other media) hosted on a URL and available on demand. Virtual Tours are syndicated to the public and cannot have any agent/office branding of any kind.
Agent Notes: This field is only viewable by those with access to Paragon. Important information for other agents should be placed in this field. This field is not syndicated and is not included on any customer reports. 
Allow AVM on VOW: This field is defaulted to "no". If you mark this field "yes" you will allow users in a Virtual Office Website to run an Automated Valuation Model with your listing being the subject property. You are making this decision regarding your listing within a Virtual Office Website only.
Agent Notes
Allow AVM on VOW
Allow Comments on VOW: This field is defaulted to "no". If you mark this field "yes" you will allow users in a Virtual Office Website to leave comments on your listing. You are making this decision regarding your listing within a Virtual Office Website only.
Allow Comments on VOW
Approximate SqFt: The approximate square footage of the land.
Assn: Does your listing have a Home Owners Association? Choices in this field are:
County Zoning: Zoning identified by the county appraiser's site.
Display Address: If this field is marked "Yes" then the address of the property will be displayed when the listing is syndicated. If this field is marked "No" the address of the property will not be syndicated with the rest of the information about the listing.
Approx SqFt
Display Address
County Zoning
Display on Internet: If this field is marked "Yes" then the listing will be syndicated. If this field is marked "No" the listing will not be syndicated and only be viewable by other Paragon users.
Display on Internet
Assn Fee
Assn Fee (per year): If you marked Mandatory or Voluntary on the Assn field then it is mandatory to input the Home Owners Association fee per year.
Front Foot Price: Price of a property measurement of the front footage of a parcel of property adjoining the street.
Front Foot Price
IDX Include?: Would you like your listing to be included on other brokers/agents IDX searches? Y/N. Please note that if you mark this field as "N" your listing will not be syndicated out and will only stay in the Paragon system.
IDX Include
Land Lease Per Year: How much does the land lease per year?
Listing Visibility Type: This field is required and should match the listing's status. Choices are: MLS Listing (active)/Temp Off Market/Brokerage Exclusive/Contingent/Coming Soon.

Note: It is required to select a listing visibility type when saving searches to a client.
Listing Visibility Type
Land Lease Per Year
Mineral Rights: The ownership rights to underground resources such as fossil fuels (oil, natural gas, coal, etc.), metals and ores, and mineable rocks such as limestone and salt.
Mineral Righs
Property Description: The Property Description field within Paragon should contain only the physical attributes of the property and should exclude such language as; address (house number and street name),“call…”any name, ‘listing agent’ or phone number, directions to the property or showing instructions, website addresses or email addresses, HTML coding or Java Script, Builders names and seller concessions/special offers. Agents must disclose direct interest in a property.
Property Description
Road Front Feet: standard measurement of land, applied at the frontage of its street line.
Water Frontage: The space or land that makes up a waterfront; territory adjacent to, and facing, a body of water.
As Is: An as-is property is one that's listed for sale in its current state, meaning that any issues or problems with the home will not be addressed by the seller.
Auction: If your listing is up for auction, please use the auction section of the input sheet to place details. 
Canal: Irrigation/Aqueduct: A natural or artificial waterway/channel used exclusively to transport water for irrigation, drinking, agriculture, landscaping, or hydroelectric power.
Road Front Feet
As Is
Water Frontage
Canal: Irrigation/Aqueduct
Canal: Waterway:  A natural or artificial waterway/channel with navigable parts that must lead to or connect one or more navigable bodies of water.  These canals can be located within a river, lake, bay, or open sea.
Canal: Waterway
Corp Owned/Relocation
Court Approval Required
Corp Owned/Relocation: A listing that is owned by a corporation or was purchased by a corporation in order to help relocate an employee. 
Court Approval Required:  After the estate accepts a price, the sale must be court approved.
Foreclosed:  The lender has taken possession of a mortgage property as a result of the mortgagor's failure to keep up their mortgage payments.
HAPThe Homeowners Assistance Program (HAP) is based upon the Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act of 1966, and was expanded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 to provide financial assistance to service members and certain DoD civilian homeowners who suffer financial loss on the sale of their primary residences. HAP consists of BRAC Impacted Personnel or Wounded, Injured, or Ill and Surviving Spouse applicants. At this time, applications are only being accepted from Wounded, Injured, or Ill and Surviving Spouse applicants. Applications for benefits by members of the Armed Forces due to eligibility pursuant to 32 CFR Part 239.6 (a)(4) because of permanent reassignment must have been submitted directly to the Savannah District by U.S. Mail or commercial delivery service, and must have been postmarked or deposited with the commercial delivery service no later than September 30, 2012. Applications for permanent reassignment can no longer be accepted. Applications of eligible personnel for benefits due to eligibility pursuant to 32 CFR Part 239.6 (a)(3) because of BRAC 2005 must have been submitted directly to the Savannah District by U.S. Mail or commercial delivery service, and must have been postmarked or deposited with the commercial delivery service no later than September 30, 2012. Applications for BRAC 2005 personnel can no longer be accepted.
Short Sale: When a lender agrees to accept a mortgage payoff amount less than what is owed in order to facilitate a sale of the property by a financially distressed owner.
Lis Pendens: Listing has a pending suit.
N/A: Not Applicable. You would choose this status under Special Sales Type if no other types apply to your listing.
Special Sales Type: This field is for the agent/broker to identify the type of sale for the listing. If none of the special sales types apply, the agent/broker should choose N/A.
Website Syndication: This field allows the agent to choose where the listing will be syndicated. All=syndicated to all possible websites. Do Not Include Address: syndicated to all possible websites without the address. None: Listing stays ONLY in Paragon and does not get syndicated.
Lis Pendens
Short Sale
Specal Sales Type
Website Syndication
Seller Concessions: Closing costs that the seller has agreed to pay. This field cannot contain any compensation/commission information paid to the buyer's Broker/Agent.
Seller Concessions
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