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mls definitions
Active Status
Approximate Detached SqFt
Approximate Main SqFt
Boat Slip
Canal: Irrigation/Aqueduct
Canal: Waterway
Cancelled Status
Coming Soon Status
Contingent Status
Continuous Days on Market
Days on Market
Days Under Contract
Expired Status
Level Definition: Condo
Level Definition: Residential
List Date
Manufactured Home
Market Date
Mobile Home
Modular Home
New Completed Construction
Pending Status
Partial Status
Rented Status
Residential Attached
Residential Detached
Self Contained Living Area
Seller's Concessions
Sold Status
Temporarily Off Market Status
To Be Built
Under Construction
Virtual Open House
Virtual Showing
Virtual Tour
Withdrawn Status
Year Built
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Active Status
Active Status: The property must be available for showings within twenty-four (24) hours with the Seller/Lessor soliciting offers through the MLS. No offer (with or without contingencies) has been accepted.
Approximate Detached SqFt: The enclosed living area that is suitable for year-round use, embodying walls, floors and ceilings that are notconnected to the main residence by a finished, climate controlled hall or stairway. If you have to leave the main residence to get to the area it is considered “Detached SqFt” NOT “Main SqFt.” Approximate Detached SqFt must be finished similar to the rest of the house and climate controlled. Square footage is measured as the square footage of the area(s) measured at floor level to the exterior finished surface of the outside walls.
Approx Detached SqFt
Approx Mai SqFt
Approximate Main SqFt: The enclosed living area in a house that is suitable for year-round use, embodying walls, floors and ceilings that are finished similar to the rest of the house and climate controlled, measured as the square footage of each connected level at floor level to the exterior finished surface of the outside walls.
Boat Slip
Boat Slip: A storage place for a boat that may be wet or dry.
Canal: Irrigation/Aqueduct: A natural or artificial waterway/channel used exclusively to transport water for irrigation, drinking, agriculture, landscaping, or hydroelectric power.
Canal: Irrigation
Cana: Waterway
Canal: Waterway: A natural or artificial waterway/channel with navigable parts that must lead to or connect one or more navigable bodies of water. These canals can be located within a river, lake, bay, or open sea.
Cancelled Status
Coming Soon Status
Contingent Status
Continuous Days on Market
Days on Market
Cancelled Status: The Seller/Lessor is not soliciting offers through the MLS. The Seller/Lessor and Broker have cancelled the existing listing contract.
Note: If your listing contract is still in effect, you should place the listing in a Withdrawn Status.
Coming Soon Status: A pre showing temporary status where the seller/lessor is not soliciting offers through the MLS. The property is not available for showing but the listing contract between the seller/lessor is in effect. The listing will not accrue Days on Market while in a Coming Soon status.
Coming Soon Rules
Coming Soon Instructions
Coming Soon Addendum
Condominium: Property where the land parcel is deeded to a Condominium Association. Owners have a deed to a unit and an undivided interest in the common areas within the development. There is usually one or more buildings subdivided into units but could be detached structures on common ground, depending on how the condominium documents are written.
Contingent Status: The listing is under contract with contingencies.
*Rule: Once the contingency is met, the listings should be placed in a Pending status within 24 hours. Listings cannot go from a Contingent status to a Sold status, the listing must first be marked Pending.
Continuous Days on Market: Continuous days on market are taken from the days on market of a listing that has not been off market for 30 days. This field is not syndicated. A listing must be off market for 30 days to get a new MLS number and for the continuous days on market to start at zero.
Days on Market: Days on market is calculated from the date entered into the Market Date field and only accrue while the listing is in an active status. This field is not syndicated. A listing must be off market for 30 days to get a new MLS number and for the days on market to start at zero.
Days Under Contract
Expired Status
Level Definition Condo
Level Definition Res
List Date
Manufactured Home
Market Date
Mobile Home
Modular Home
New Completed Const
Pending Status
Partial Status
Rented Status
Residential Attached
Residential Detached
Self Contained
Seller's Concessions
Sold Status
Temp Off Market
To Be Built
Under Construction
Days Under Contract: Days under contract accrue when the listing is in a contingent or pending status. This field is not syndicated.
Expired Status: The Seller/Lessor is not soliciting offers through the MLS. The time frame of the existing listing agreement has run out.
Level Definition Condominium : When listing room dimensions for condominiums, levels should correspond to the floor that the condominium unit is located.
Level Definition Residential : When listing room dimensions for homes on pilings, level one begins on the first level of living area.
List Date: The date on the listing agreement that the listing term begins. This is NOT necessarily the date of the parties' signatures.*List date cannot be entered as a future date.
Manufactured Home: Factory built home produced on or after June 15, 1976 produced under building code administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Market Date: The date that the seller/lessor has requested in writing that the listing be placed active in the Multiple Listing Service. The Market Date shall be indicated in either the listing agreement or coming soon addendum. Should the listing go active before the stated Market Date, the actual date of activation shall be considered the Market Date.
*Market Date cannot be entered as a future date.
Mobile Home: Factory built homes produced prior to June 15, 1976.
Modular Home: Factory built home built to individual state, local or regional code where the home will be located. Modules are transported to the site and installed.
New Completed Construction: All construction must be complete and builder/seller has a certificate of occupancy.
Pending Status: The listing is under contract with no contingencies.
Virtual Open House
Virtual Showing
Virtual Tour
Withdrawn Status
Year Built
Partial Status: Temporary status which allows agents to input a listing, edit and run reports before placing the listing active. The listing will not accrue days on market while in a partial status. Only the listing agent, assistant and broker can view/edit partial listings.
Note: Paragon will assign a negative number to a partial listing until it is made active, then a new MLS number will be assigned. Partial listings will stay in the agent's maintenance area until made active or deleted by the listing agent.
Rented Status: Rental/Lease agreement is in effect.
Resale: Listing that has been previously owned and/or occupied.
Residential Attached: Multiple separate housing units for residential inhabitants are contained within one building which share one or more inside walls but do not share common elements.
Residential Detached: Free standing residential building that does not share any inside walls with any other house or dwelling.
Self-Contained Living Area : An area with a separate entrance providing complete, independent living facilities for one or more people, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation.
Seller's Concessions : Costs paid by seller that are not typically paid by seller on behalf of the buyer. Concessions can also include personal property/gifts used in negotiation of the contract.
Sold Status: Closing has occurred and the property is no longer for sale.
Rule: A listing agent has 5 business days (not including weekends or holidays) after closing to mark a listing sold. If listing is marked sold after 5 business days the broker will be assessed a $200 fine.
Temporarily Off the Market Status: While the listing contract with the Broker is still in effect and offers are still being solicited, showings for this listing are temporarily suspended.
To Be Built: Lot with proposed plan.
Under Construction: Permit has been pulled to begin construction. Listing must stay in an Under Construction status until builder/seller has a certificate of occupancy.
Virtual Open House: Real-time (live) scheduled event conducted virtually via live stream (or similar delivery).
Public: Open invitation to any number of prospects.
Broker: Open invitation to all Brokers/Agents
Office: Open invitation only for Brokers/Agents within the same firm or office.
Click here for a link of Paragon accepted video software to use for a Virtual Open House.
Virtual Showing: Real-time (live) scheduled property showing conducted virtually via live stream (or similar delivery) for a customer or client.
Distinction: For an identified customer or client. Not an open invitation for others to attend (private showing).
Virtual Tour: Pre-recorded media (slide show, video, or other media) hosted on a URL and available on demand. Virtual Tours are syndicated to the public and cannot have any agent/office branding of any kind.
Waterfront : Property that fronts the water and has no road to cross to get to the water or condominiums that have common areas on the water. With waterfront condominium complexes all units are considered waterfront.
Waterview : Property where the water may be viewed without extraordinary efforts but where the property does not front the water, or where the property is across a road from the water.
Withdrawn Status: The Seller/Lessor is not soliciting offers through the MLS. The property is not available for showing but the listing contract between the Seller/Lessor and the Broker remains in effect until its expiration date.
Note: Withdrawn listings will be placed in an expired status when the expiration date hits. If the listing agreement is no longer in effect, the listing should be placed in a Cancelled status.
Year Built : The year in which the property was constructed per county records. If the County Property Appraiser has issued an effective year built, it can be indicated in the property description field.
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